In 2012 two of our camels, Phoenix and Sage, were gifted to Green Chimneys, a nonprofit in New York that provides residential, educational, clinical, and recreational services to young people. Green Chimneys is a pioneer in animal and nature-based therapy.
Green Chimneys Article: Three Ways Camels Make For Unusual and Awesome Therapy Partners (2016)
From the Green Chimney’s website:
Phoenix and Sage have become Goodwill Ambassadors of Green Chimneys and help us model our philosophy of involving children with animals and showing others that we care about all living beings.
Phoenix (cream-colored) is a very self-assured but quiet and thoughtful camel, while Sage (brown) is more enthusiastic, gregarious and outgoing. The camels spent their first year at Green Chimneys adjusting to their caretakers and a more public life as their individual personalities emerged. Sage likes to be the center of attention and enjoys goofing around with the staff and children. He depends on Phoenix to maintain his confidence and looks to him for approval when learning new things. Phoenix behaves like an older, wiser brother and is the thinker of the two.
Green Chimneys students now have opportunities to expand their skills in animal care by helping to care for the camels, and an afterschool “Camel Club” allows students to take part in grooming, and learn about camel anatomy and behaviors.