Profile: Bamboo & His Goat Herd

Bamboo the goat

Bamboo was accepted to live at the California sanctuary many years ago after having been largely abandoned by his former owner and left to live on a chain in the yard.  He was graciously integrated into the horse band for his companions.  Bamboo had all the character needed for such a task and was respected and cared for by the horses. 

Most likely bottle raised or at least “over handled”, and being a large goat with horns, Bamboo was not so good with boundaries.  It was determined he would do better living with his human caretaker just across the street.  He was given an entire goat family of his own, two ladies with their two babies – Mama Lu and Mama Bu, family Lu and family Bu. 

The goat herd is a lively and happy bunch who play and spar every day, keep a strict order of rank, and take deep contemplative cud chewing breaks between their long free range browsing sessions.  All the goats adore Bamboo and Bamboo has done an incredible job raising the kids as a stepdad.  Bamboo particularly enjoys James, as James has a big set of horns and has grown to be big enough to spar with Bamboo. 

Watching these goats play is awe inspiring in that they always exemplify a unique form of conductivity.  They manage their bodily excitement and power and always remain in a state of balance with one another, fortifying each other’s strength through demand and at the same time having the gentleness and finesse that includes even the polled (hornless) goats in all the head-butting play.


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